Recently, sold off some semi leveraged ETFs when I see them surged so much based on news of "Stargate". Took profits of 10-20% from these trades. When it dips again, I will buy some to trade the bounce. In this year, I think I will allocate more capital towards short-term trading. Imagine you'd just need to have 10% profits for 3 times (using your entire portfolio capital), and that will mean > 30% gains in the year, sufficient to beat the market. But of course, easier said than done. I have managed to achieve 40-60% CARG in my smaller accounts last year and hoping to achieve the same using my main, larger account, using the same trading strategies.
I am also looking to buy some strong growth companies on weakness. I noticed some strong stocks, when they dip 5-10%, they will quickly bounce back. Examples are FB, Netflix.
The first thing any investor or trader should think of is: what is the risk or downside? To me, that's the most important factor before entering a position. There are so many kinds of risks we need to be aware of, so trading is not that easy, but with hard work and discipline, it's not that hard either. I will talk more about the various kinds of risks next time. Also how to pick the right stocks to trade. Stay tuned!