DBS Vicker Cash Upfront
- Stocks you buy will be credited to the CDP by T+3. Currently there is a promo as shown until the end of June 2018.
- Inconvenient: Have to login through Internet Banking website. Authenticate 2FA twice.
- Order type: No stop loss.
Buy using Vicker and sell using FSM! Beat Stan Chart's 0.20% hands down with CDP protection! However, Stan chart offers stop loss order type which Vickers and FSM One do not.
They have revamped their offering and they allow selling of shares from CDP for 0.12% only.
Buying of shares is currently only with cash and will place shares under their custody. CPF IS is not supported.
I clarified the above with FSM's customer support.
Buying of stocks using CPF IS is still expensive at 0.28% (DBS) or 0.275% (OCBC).
Buy using Vicker and sell using FSM! Beat Stan Chart's 0.20% hands down with CDP protection! However, Stan chart offers stop loss order type which Vickers and FSM One do not.